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Your complete solution to creating & Marketing a Profitable program to Serve your audience

I help authority experts take what they're already doing and systematize it into an online recurring revenue model.

Let's see if there's something I can help you create or improve.

Here's what I do for those successful at...

Teaching a Method that Gets Results for People

Course Creators & Trainers

You've Done These Things:

And Want To Increase:

Building an Audience or Community

Podcasters, YouTubers & Bloggers

You Have These Things:

You wish you had a:

I Can Help You Quickly reach more people and Make More Money By Creating:

Membership Programs

Create an "Ongoing Support" Model

Lacusa semper intege portti dolors proina laoret vulput venena lectus platea evenie sagitt vertis ipsume tempor minim.

Sales Funnels

Increase Leads & Sales

Laoret intege tempor portti lectus minim vertis semper platea sagitt dolors ipsume lacusa venena evenie proina vulput.

Increased Visibility

Getting Attention to Your Offer

Laoret venena tempor proina lacusa lectus vulput portti sagitt dolors vertis ipsume evenie platea minim semper intege.

Let's figure out if there's a good reason for us to work togetgher

From Idea to success, You're supported Every Step of the way

Let's Do This Together!

Program Design

Let's Figure It Out

Create the right program for your favorite people & the snowball effect takes place.

Asset Creation 

Let's Build It

Get everything built that you need to launch in one place; streamlined & affordable.

Sales & Marketing

Let's Launch It

Launch it, sell it, promote it & improve it until we've reached our success goals.

Kind words from happy clients. DON'T just TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. 

Vincent Pugliese

Total Life Freedom

"David helped us take the Total Life Freedom Community from an idea bouncing around aimlessly in my head to into a real membership site that is not only vibrant, profitable and continuously growing, but it’s changing lives helping entrepreneurs live a life of freedom."

Taylor Barnes

"The Sales Machine" Workshop

"David is an instrumental partner in my business. From designing the business model, the signature training system & bringing it to market; David pushed me to make it better than I imagined & get there much faster than I thought was possible"


David is THE marketing coach! He has opened my mind to what real marketing is and how it can drive more clients to my website. He digs down deep into who you are, why you do what you do and how you can you can help others. Knowing this is essential to pulling out the best in you and so he can market you and your business. I trust him fully to help market me and my business. 

Zac Novak

MediaNet AV

Sample Works

Lead Magnets

Let's figure out the ultimate lead magnet to get your prospects opting in to your email list.

Resource Vaults

Fillable PDF Worksheets

High Converting Opt-In Pages

 Types: Fillable PDF designs (worksheets & checklists), Quizzes, Mind-Maps/Blueprints, entire resource vaults.

Sales/Landing Pages

Is your sales funnel components conveying the true value that you're providing your clients? That's where I help improve your communication & conversion rates.

Compelling Homepages

Sales Pages & Funnels

Membership Sites & Portals

Graphic Media

You need to look pro. When we're creating your marketing materials, we want to elevate your image to match your reputation. When people feel you've invested into the quality of what you're creating for them, they feel they're getting their money's worth. 

Video Animations

From animating your logo to full blown animated story telling, we can make graphics come alive to impress your audience with a high perceived production value. This example is a great way to brand training videos. 

Video Intro/Outro

Your videos will look amazing with a great intro/exit clip. Always be branding. Plus I like to showcase all the activity you're up to so the view instantly knows there's a lot more content to consume if they like what they see.

Explainer Videos

If you're not ready to get in front of a camera, we can utilize a voiceover audio explaining the topic or pitching your program and then visually animate what's being said. It's a great alternative & also entertaining to watch as a viewer.

Ad Materials

Video Intro/Outro

Logo Creation

Brain Sweat Work 

Membership Programs

Training Systems

Email Marketing

Marketing Strategy

Funnel Design

Lead Magnets

Value Proposition

Offers & Pricing

Brand Identity

Agency Services* 

*Provided by Loud Carrot Marketing

Landing Pages

Conversion Optimization

Search Traffic (SEO)

Membership Sites

Sales Funnels

Content Creation

Audience Targeting

Follow-up Automation

Ads for Google & FB

Critical & creative thinking Services

Graphic Design

Website Stuff

Marketing Automation

Intro/Exit Clips

Persuasive Copywriting

Newsletter Set-up

Competitive Research

Explainer Videos

Logo Creation

Available Packages

These packages have been designed to help you succeed based on my years of experience working with companies & clients. Each depends on how fast you want to be up and running your new business venture.

Group Coaching 



Training Materials

Membership Site Access with 'how to' videos, worksheets & templates for creating your own program + marketing it.

Graphic Templates

I've provided some of the common elements needed to make an online program look professional. They include multiple design styles for each template, editable in Adobe apps & available for you to use. Enjoy 

Group Training Calls

Live video group calls, face-to-face, open discussion & highly focused on your success. I like to think of it as a mastermind format.

Community Access

Ask questions & get answers on topics related to membership programs, marketing, software, automation, graphics and much more

Best for: Self-motivated individuals & those just getting starting.

Personal advisor



1-On-1 Brain Sweat Support

This is the "gap" where you're no longer alone figuring it out all by yourself. You're engaging a separate brain to think in your best interest, brainstorm & argue with to your hearts content. Let's get it done right. 

2 Workshop Sessions

Come prepared to get things done on these calls. Bring an open mind, your assignments completed & ready to walk a way with new things do.

+(1) Creative Service

One creative service can be designed, built or managed for you each month while we work together. These items will be discussed & mutually approved based on what is needed in our process.

Unlimited Email & Text

While you work between sessions you'll have questions, want feedback and I'll be there to help you along. We don't want to get stuck or move slow.

Best for: Fast pace program development, strategy & execution planning. 

Partner Program



1-On-1 Support

This is the "gap" where you're no longer alone figuring it out all by yourself. You're engaging a separate brain to think in your best interest, brainstorm & argue with to your hearts content. Let's get it done right. 

+(1) Agency Service

From the list of services above we can implement, monitor & optimize one while we're developing. This is results oriented action at its best because you have your finger on the pulse as the master of your domain.

+(1) Creative Service

One creative service can be worked on each month while we develop. These items will be discussed & mutually approved based on what is needed in our process.

Package Customization

This package is not meant to be a simple one size fits all option. Depending on your needs it may be less or more. We will come to an agreement on a regular basis about workload & execution speed.

Best for: Those driven by the speed of implementation & want things built quickly.

No Help Needed?

If you already have a successfully running business and just interested in our fantastic marketing services, visit my agency's website Loud Carrot Marketing

Follow Me On Social...

Feel free to reach out to me & connect. .

Your Finest Creation starts Now

Have a partner in the process

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, what training course you buy, software you get, expert advice given or service you hire; you're still all alone when it comes to figuring out how to make your idea turn into a success?

When it comes down to the work getting done you're either paying decent money for someone to do & they're expecting you to tell them what to do OR you're paying GOBS of money for someone to do it all for you and guess what? They don't care about your business as much as you do & don't have the same level of expertise that you and don't ever plan to. I believe you should always be the captain of your ship & fill that gap to help you find the best answers to all the important choices in the process. 

I work like an equal partner that doesn't take equity in your business. I'm not your gofer, a vender, or a freelancer. I'm your most trusted advisor, thinking in your best interest at all time and demand to be treated as such. If that's not the way you like things, kindly take a hike. If that's something you feel you could benefit from right now, let's talk.




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